link: markdown content

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Note Layout Title

YAML Ain’t Markup Language

YAML is a data serialisation language designed to be human-friendly and work well with modern programming languages for common everyday tasks. It is often used for configuration files that are parsed and read by a programming language or a framework. It’s readable syntax format makes it easy for developers and system admins to understand and modify.

Design goals

The design goals for YAML are, in decreasing priority:

Basics syntax rules

# Block style list
  - itemA
  - itemB

# Flow style list
List: [itemA, itemB]
# Block style
  - name: Alice
    role: developer
      - Python
      - Javascript
  - name: Bob
    role: designer
      - Photoshop
      - Illustrator

# Flow style
  - { name: Alice, role: developer, skills: [Python, Javascript] }
  - { name: Bob, role: designer, skills: [Photoshop, Illustrator] }
# Document 1
title: "Document 1"
  key1: value1
  key2: value2

# Document 2
title: "Document 2"
  key3: value3
  key4: value4

# Non-YAML content can follow, or another YAML document can start with `---`
Some non-YAML content or metadata
default_settings: &default
  resolution: 1080p
  frame_rate: 60
  aspect_ratio: 16:9

  <<: *default
  name: Player1
    move_up: "W"
    move_down: "S"

  <<: *default
  name: Player2
    move_up: "ArrowUp"
    move_down: "ArrowDown"
name: Tom Nolan
bill-to:  &id01
  street: |
          123 Main Valley
          Room 16          
  city:   New York
  state:  NY

ship-to:  *id01
literal_block: |
  This block preserves line breaks.
  Each line is treated separately.
  Blank lines are kept as is.

folded_block: >
  This block folds newlines into spaces,
  so it will be displayed as a single
  line of text with spaces replacing
  line breaks.

  Paragraphs are separated by blank lines.

In YAML, scalar values are simple, indivisible data values that can be represented in different ways. They include basic data types like strings, numbers, and booleans. Scalars are the most basic form of data you can work with in YAML, as opposed to more complex data structures like lists or maps. These include: Strings, Numbers, Boolean, Null, Date and Time,

  string_plain: This is a plain string.
  string_double_quoted: "This is a double-quoted string with a newline \n and a \"quote\"."
  string_single_quoted: 'This is a single-quoted string with a single quote '' inside it.'
  integer: 42
  float: 3.14
  boolean_true: true
  boolean_false: false
  null_value: null
  date: 2024-07-21
  datetime: 2024-07-21T14:30:00

Reference “Official” documentation and resources page. Check out one of the version specifications at the top.

Each moment is an irreplaceable opportunity.

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